Welcome to The Mystifiers 365, a program designed for musicians eager to elevate their musical journey. This program focuses on band dynamics, composing original music, recording in a professional studio and live performances.

In the initial phase, four minibands concurrently craft their unique sound. Professionally recording one or two tracks from each miniband marks the culmination of this phase

Transitioning into the second phase, where the minibands will be merged into one big band. The grand finale of the year unfolds with three performances bringing the year-long musical journey to a crescendo.


Sonic Alchemy is een uniek project waarbij The Mystifiers Collective en De Academie van Het Concertgebouworkest jaarlijks de handen ineen slaan om in een aantal dagen van elkaar te leren, te experimenteren en samen een nieuw geluid te vinden dat buiten hun gebruikelijke kaders treed.
Met de klassieke specialisatie van de muzikanten van de Academie van het Concertgebouworkest en de focus op improvisatie door The Mystifiers Collective is deze samenkomst een ware ‘alchemie’. Het project eindigt met een showcase. 

The Transformers

The Transformers is a new pop band from Rotterdam, founded by Mystifiers members Marije van Rijn and Hans Vermunt. The different life experiences of the band members tell a wider story of the city of Rotterdam. Whether it’s an ode to the river Maas, a call to be free from isolation or feeling like a traveling bird, the music of The Transformers is honest and gripping. The real experience of living on the street from some of the band members is transformed into music from the heart, resonating with a shared love for the city, the power to always get back up on your feet and the universal need to connect.